The Collector always has some of his crew handy, with one fellow offering to upgrade your current equipment or to re-roll their magical affixes and another fellow who bestows you with special mutations. These areas serve as a short break from the chaos of combat and allows player to bank their cells and spend the gold acquired from slain enemies. The Collector is conveniently located between each of the game’s levels. In return for these cells, The Collector will give you access to weapons, items, and character upgrades. These cells can be spent with The Collector, a hooded fellow who appears to convert your cells into Berry Blue Kool-Aid, which comes to rest in the big tank he carries on his back. Enemies (and sometime treasure chests) can drop cells. Starting the game from scratch after failure is a recurring trope within the roguelike genre, but Dead Cells mixes things up so that you get a sense of progression despite your repeated failures. While you will lose everything you gained in your failed run through the game, you do retain the knowledge you gained from battling the enemies, along with the strength and weaknesses of the weapons and items you found while progressing. Should you manage to get yourself killed during this endeavor (spoilers: you’re gonna get killed), the game returns you to the prison where the circle of life begins anew and a fresh flush plops down and takes a new body.
You take control of this fresh sewage body and begin battling your way out of the prison and into varying levels full of light platforming and deadly foes. The pile of goop rolls over to a seemingly fresh dead body and infuses itself within the flesh husk. The game begins with a hunk of waste being flushed down into a dilapidated prison like the byproduct of a Burger King binge. Experiences like Dead Cells are the reason that so many of us chose video games as our primary hobby. Dead Cells, the self-dubbed “RogueVania” from french developers Motion Twin is simply outstanding and represents the best the genre has to offer. Understandably, it will be hard for many gamers to muster excitement for yet another entry into this already crowded space, but it would appear that we live in a magical time where the universe chooses to dump some amazing 2D action games on us in rapid succession. With this indie game boom came a glut of side-scrolling roguelikes and Metroidvanias, many of which were of the highest quality.
What was once an afterthought to the console manufacturers was a now a major focus and the indie scene that had always been there on PC also managed to explode in popularity. As the video game industry entered the current console generation, indie games experienced a renaissance.